One Infinite Life
May 22, 2020

Note: This is an excerpt from an email to The Infinite Community, if you’d like to join and get my notes you can do that here.


I’ve been having many conversations with clients and those around me about what they are doing to support themselves during everything that is going on in the world at the moment.

So today I thought I’d give you an insight into how I’m personally supporting myself right now.

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December 29, 2019

The best of 2019 for One Infinite Life

As we come to the end of the year I’ve been reflecting on 2019 and all that unfolded during the year.

2019 was an interesting year for me. I spent more time focusing on my health, than I did on my work. I had less ‘output’ than previous years, but felt like the work I was doing was more meaningful than ever. I didn’t create anything new this year, but I deepened the things I continued to offer and really honed the processes behind everything.

I have worked with the most incredible clients this year, which I’m so grateful for. I also continued to mentor and support life coach trainees with their coaching journeys (through one-to-one support and group coaching), which has become a much-loved and fun addition to my work. I continued to support people to add more gratitude into their lives through The 28 Day Gratitude Project, which I updated this year with new audio content. And the most unexpected part of my work this year was volunteering at a local youth organisation, which was both challenging, rewarding and given me clarity on the work I want to do with young people moving forward.

My biggest achievements in my work this year was receiving an award for my work as a coach and also being invited to speak on a panel about the power of gratitude. But I think the thing I am most proud of is doing work that feels meaningful to me and continuing to grow as a coach.

Each year I love to look back and reflect on the most popular posts on One Infinite Life for the year and then share them with you. It’s always so interesting to see what resonated the most. And on that note, here is the best of One Infinite Life for 2019…

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December 11, 2019

Beautiful You Inspiration Day Melbourne 2019: Reflections & Takeaways

On Friday 15th of November I attended the Beautiful You Inspiration Day in Melbourne held at the very cool Creative Cubes space.

I’ve attended a couple of Inspiration Days before (you can read about them here and here), but this one was extra special because I was invited to be a speaker on the panel for the day, which was a real honour.

It was also special to meet new life coach trainees who are excited by what they are doing, to witness the graduates of the latest course and for me it was extra special to get to meet in person and share the day with several of my clients who are becoming life coaches themselves.

I was incredibly nervous about speaking so I didn’t know how I was going to enjoy the day, but I got a lot out of the day and listening to the other speakers. I also wrote several paces of notes (I’m a reflective learner), so this is what I have used to put this blog post together for you.

Here are my reflections and takeaways from the Inspiration Day, with all photos taken by the incredible Fi Mims Photography who (as always) captures days like this so well.

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August 13, 2019

On living life first...

Last year I found myself in a really bad place health wise, probably the worst I’ve ever been. It all happened after I had wisdom teeth surgery at the end of the previous year. So last year included on-going pain, multiple infections and even though I didn’t know it at the time a severe jaw condition.

It was during this time that I had the realisation that living my life was not being prioritised the way I wanted it to be. I remember lying on the couch in-between client calls and work and telling myself, “When I feel better I’m going to do ALL of the things.” And I would imagine how I would live my life when I was well enough to do so.

So going into this year I decided that I wanted to focus on living my life first.

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August 6, 2019

So you haven’t achieved what you wanted… Now what?

Question: Have you ever gotten so discouraged that you haven’t achieved what you wanted that you decided to give up working towards it all together?

I get it… I’ve been there before (many times!) and I know what it’s like to feel discouraged about your goals, disappointed in yourself for not achieving what you wanted and feeling unmotivated to keep moving forward.

Sometimes — when we’re feeling discouraged and unmotivated — it can be really challenging to remain optimistic about our goals and believe that we can actually get there.

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June 4, 2019

How to make the most of winter

A few years ago I was asked, “How do you stay motivated in winter?” and as we’ve just officially entered winter here in the Southern Hemisphere I thought it would be a good idea to come back to this post and update it with some new thoughts and insights I have about this idea.

I now (more than ever) really embrace each season of the year and try to be intentional about supporting myself in each season in whatever ways I need to in order to feel good. I’ve found that even though I find some seasons more productive than others, it’s more about being intentional about how I approach the season and how I support myself.

Even though in Australia winter isn’t that long or as harsh as it can be in other parts of the world, which I’m grateful for. However I know that for me it’s the time of year where it can be really challenging to feel motivated and to get what you need to done.

In this post I’m sharing some ideas on how to embrace and make the most of winter, including why it’s okay not to be motivated all the time, some ideas on how you might support yourself and I’ve also included some personal insights into how I’m supporting myself going into winter this year and some winter recommendations for you! ❄️

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April 23, 2019

I practiced gratitude every day for a year. This is how I did it...

Last year I set myself a challenge to write down what I was grateful for every day for a year. Yep, three hundred and sixty five days of gratitude!

Every time I mentioned this challenge people would ask me all kinds of questions from, “How are you actually doing that?” to “How are you remembering to do it?” to “Do you ever get sick of writing down the same things every day?”

Because of this I thought I would share with you some reflections on this gratitude challenge (including what I learnt) and a whole lot of tips if you’re wanting to commit to a daily gratitude practice.

So whether you’re wanting to embark on your own daily gratitude challenge, or whether you’re just looking for some tips to help you add more gratitude into your life, I hope you’ll find something here that is useful to you for your own gratitude practice.

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April 11, 2019

Books that have changed my life: Part 5

This is Part 5 of my ‘Books that have changed my life series’ (you can catch up on previous editions here). In this edition I’m sharing 5 more life-changing reads that I read (or re-read) last year.

This edition includes books about money, manifesting, personal power, surviving challenges and a life-changing book for young people.

I hope you find something new to read here! 🙂

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March 27, 2019

Reflections on Winning the CEO Shine Award at the Beautiful You Coaching Academy Awards

On Friday the 15th of March I was honoured to have attended the 2018-2019 Beautiful You Coaching Academy Awards Celebration at The Savoy Hotel in Melbourne.

It was really special to come together and celebrate our incredible coaching community and the amazing work that Beautiful You coaches are doing in the world.

This evening was made even more special as I was the recipient of the Beautiful You CEO Shine Award from Julie Parker.

In this post I’m going to be sharing a wrap up of the Awards Night with my reflections on winning the CEO Shine Award.

A special thank you to Fi Mims Photography for all the incredible photos in this post.

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March 13, 2019

I often get asked, “How do I be kind to myself and still make my goals happen?” This is how I do it...

I often get asked, “How do I be kind to myself and still make my goals happen?” This is a great question and I know that so many of us want to make our goals happen BUT at the same time want to make sure we are being kind to ourselves at the same time.

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