One Infinite Life
December 29, 2019

The best of 2019 for One Infinite Life

As we come to the end of the year I’ve been reflecting on 2019 and all that unfolded during the year.

2019 was an interesting year for me. I spent more time focusing on my health, than I did on my work. I had less ‘output’ than previous years, but felt like the work I was doing was more meaningful than ever. I didn’t create anything new this year, but I deepened the things I continued to offer and really honed the processes behind everything.

I have worked with the most incredible clients this year, which I’m so grateful for. I also continued to mentor and support life coach trainees with their coaching journeys (through one-to-one support and group coaching), which has become a much-loved and fun addition to my work. I continued to support people to add more gratitude into their lives through The 28 Day Gratitude Project, which I updated this year with new audio content. And the most unexpected part of my work this year was volunteering at a local youth organisation, which was both challenging, rewarding and given me clarity on the work I want to do with young people moving forward.

My biggest achievements in my work this year was receiving an award for my work as a coach and also being invited to speak on a panel about the power of gratitude. But I think the thing I am most proud of is doing work that feels meaningful to me and continuing to grow as a coach.

Each year I love to look back and reflect on the most popular posts on One Infinite Life for the year and then share them with you. It’s always so interesting to see what resonated the most. And on that note, here is the best of One Infinite Life for 2019…


I practiced gratitude everyday for a year. Here’s how I did it…   Last year I challenged myself to write down what I was grateful for every single day for a year, in this post (which was my most-read post of the year) I shared why I did this, how I approached it, what I learnt from doing it and I also shared some tips to support you in adding more gratitude into your life.

Meet yourself where you’re at.  I often get asked, “How do I be kind to myself and still make my goals happen?” So I wrote this article to share more of my thoughts on the way I approach goals in both my own life and with my clients.

Books that have changed my life: Part 5.  Everyone loves a good book recommendations! Here is another edition of my books that have changed my life series. (A note here that I’m going to be shifting how I share book recommendations so I can do it more regularly and make it easier for you to find them all in one place too!)

Reflections on winning the Shine Award.  This year I was honoured to receive the Shine Award at the Beautiful You Coaching Academy Awards, in this post I shared my reflections on what receiving this award meant for me, which included some behind-the-scenes on my work and life over the past year.

So you haven’t achieved what you wanted. Now what?  I wrote this post for when you haven’t achieved what you wanted and you’re feeling discouraged and unmotivated to move forward. In it I share three questions to help you recommit to working towards what’s important to you and to help you get back into action. You can also go through this post as an interactive workshop on my Instagram Stories right here.

My favourite article the year: 

On living life first.  In this article I shared about the new way I was approaching things this year and what happened when I did.

Thank you for being here, for reading my words and for supporting me with my work. I appreciate it more than you will ever know.

One Infinite Life



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The best of 2019 for One Infinite Life