Question: Have you ever gotten so discouraged that you haven’t achieved what you wanted that you decided to give up working towards it all together?
I get it… I’ve been there before (many times!) and I know what it’s like to feel discouraged about your goals, disappointed in yourself for not achieving what you wanted and feeling unmotivated to keep moving forward.
Sometimes — when we’re feeling discouraged and unmotivated — it can be really challenging to remain optimistic about our goals and believe that we can actually get there.
I don’t want you to give up on working towards what you want. I don’t want you to get caught up in feeling discouraged about your goals. And I don’t want you to feel disappointed in yourself for not achieving them either.
Because what I know for sure is if you keep showing up, keep taking action and keep doing the work — you will eventually be rewarded — and I want to make sure you get to that point.
So if you’re feeling discouraged because you haven’t achieved what you wanted, I wrote this post for you.
You can also go through this post as an interactive workshop on my Instagram stories right here if you’d like to.
Working towards a goal isn’t always going to be easy. There are going to be times you feel unmotivated, times that you want to give up after a setback and times that it’s just really hard to keep showing up and taking action.
So if you haven’t achieved what you wanted and you’re feeling discouraged and unmotivated, I’m going to share with you three questions to help you recommit and get back into action!
I know this may seem really simple, but don’t overlook it!
I think sometimes we can be so scared that we aren’t going to achieve what we want we don’t bother to set a goal, but this is a super powerful thing to do if you really want to get back into taking action and moving forward towards what you want.
If you don’t set a goal because you’re afraid of failing, you basically already have failed by not giving yourself that chance! So if there’s something that you really want do yourself a favour and set a goal about it.
A story about the power of this question:
When I was 16 I got my learners permit, but I never learnt to drive! I had a huge fear of driving and some negative experiences early on in the process so I avoided working towards this goal for seven years. A few years ago I realised that if I was going to make this happen that I needed to take the first step and set a goal about it. Over a year later I got my licence and I know that if I hadn’t set that goal I probably would of kept putting it off and avoided taking action towards it.
So if there’s something that you want to make happen, start with the first step: Be brave, be honest and set yourself that goal that you really want.
Question: Have you set a goal that inspires and motivates you?
Consider: Will all the challenges you’ll have to endure, the obstacles you’ll have to overcome, the struggles you’ll face and anything else you have to deal with along the way — will all that be worth it when you achieve your goal?
When I’m feeling discouraged about one of my goals and I ask myself this question the answer is *always* yes. Yes it will be worth it.
Even though the goal might be feeling challenging right now this question helps me to realise that no matter what comes up that in the end it will be worth anything and EVERYTHING that I had to endure to get there.
A story about the power of this question:
One day after a challenging experience driving (while I was learning) I was complaining to my parents about how hard the process was and my Dad said, “Oh well it will be worth it in the end.” This led to me doing an exercise for the rest of the time working towards this goal which involved listing (in my head or on paper) all the ways this goal would be worth it in the end. This is something that really helped me to keep going when it got challenging. And when I did make that goal happen it was totally and 100% worth EVERYTHING that I found challenging about it along the way.
Question: Will your goal be worth it?
Explore: How will your goal be worth it to you? What will achieving your goal mean for you and your life?
This can be a really confronting question to ask yourself, so be brave, be honest and be kind to yourself when exploring this one. I know for me this question really wakes me up to what I’m doing (and maybe not doing) to work towards my goal.
This question is about exploring if you’re doing EVERYTHING you possibly could be doing to make this goal happen right now?
A story about the power of this question:
When I was learning to drive someone asked me how it was going (and I’m embarrassed to share this) what I said was I’m trying really hard but it just isn’t happening. Then I realised in that moment that I wasn’t actually trying really hard and it was why I wasn’t getting the results that I wanted. And in this situation I hadn’t had a driving lesson for a couple of weeks or been driving at all. So when I said I was trying really hard I really wasn’t!
This is why I love this question because it’s really powerful in making us consider: If we need to dig deeper, if we could be doing something more or something different and if we’re actually meeting our capacity to take action at the moment. Asking myself this question made me go from taking basically NO action, to really taking a lot of action. This question empowered me into action way more than before and I actually realised that I could be doing so much more.
Question: Are you truly doing EVERYTHING you absolutely can to make this goal happen?
Explore: What would showing up FULLY look like for you?
A quick recap of the 3 questions:
1. Have you set a goal?
2. Will your goal be worth it?
3. How hard are you really trying?
If you haven’t achieved what you wanted remember:
If you keep showing up, keep doing the work, keep recommitting and keep taking empowered action… You WILL get to where you want to go!
I want to leave you with one of my favourite quotes today which sums up how I feel about working towards goals and things that challenge you…
If you haven’t achieved what you wanted and you’re seeking some extra support in working towards your goals you can find out everything you need to know about working one-to-one with me here.
PS. Don’t forget that you can also go through this post as an interactive workshop on my Instagram stories here if you like.
PPS. You can also get some FREE resources to support you with your goals below.
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Plus you’ll receive personal emails from me a couple of times a month(ish) where I share personal insights, stories and behind-the-scenes happenings (that I don’t share anywhere else!). It’s my ultimate aim is that these emails are useful to you and can make your day a little brighter or better than it was before. Sound good to you? You can join the community and get access to The Infinite Collection by entering your details below!