On Friday 21st of April I attended the Beautiful You Inspiration Day in Brisbane, which was a really special day of connection, inspiration and celebration.
It was such an honour to be able to attend this special day as a Certified Coach with the academy. I loved getting to connect with some newly graduated coaches (congratulations!) and coaches in-training, plus I also loved getting to re-connect with some of my coach pals in-person as well.
I left the day filled with inspiration and excited to take empowered action on the insights that had been shared on the day from the keynote speakers: Amanda Rootsey and Angela Simson, the speakers on the panel: Naomi Arnold, Kate Caddle and of course Julie Parker.
Here are my reflections and takeaways from this special day, with photos taken by Emma Louise Newby 🙂
The first keynote speaker of the day was Amanda Rootsey who spoke about working with young people between the ages of 10 to 25. Amanda has been working with young people since she was 18 and spoke about how powerful it is to hold space for young people to discover who they are, what they want to do in their life and to know that they are okay exactly as they are. Amanda shared that anxiety and stress are the #1 concern for young people in Australia, which is why this is such important work and she had some brilliant insights to share about working with this demographic.
My biggest takeaways from Amanda were:
∞ When working with young people you really need to be real with them and show up as your true authentic self. You can build trust with them by being vulnerable and sharing your story and by giving them the space to share what they need to share.
∞ Young people are often used to being judged and having expectations put on them, so creating a safe and non-judgemental space where they feel heard and understood can be really powerful for them.
∞ Be aware of your own limitations when working with young people, but don’t let that hold you back from working with youth if you want to. If you are working with people under 18 you have a bigger responsibility and it’s important to be aware of your legal obligations. You can also support yourself by having a referral list that you can use for when you think a young person needs extra support.
∞ Amanda recommends doing coaching in-person with young people wherever possible, rather than Skype. She also suggests that doing an activity together during the session (such as colouring in) can make the young person feel more comfortable than just sitting and talking.
∞ Be mindful and careful of the language you use around young people. You don’t want to plant negative seeds in them about things they haven’t even considered before, which is why it’s really important to check in with the young person(s) and see what’s going on with them and what’s relevant to them.
∞ Group coaching with young people can be really powerful and can also help them to build connections with others.
∞ Business tip: When working with young people (under 18) you need to tailor your business marketing to the adults in their lives, as well as the schools and community groups they belong to. Building this connection and trust can take time and it’s important that you illustrated your shared values with the adults in their lives.
The second keynote speaker for the day was Angela Simson who shared the powerful real story behind why she passionately advocates self-care and self-love. She shared how when she first began coaching she pushed too hard and she even ended up in hospital (you can read more about her story on her site here). Angela shared how she used to give too much, not look after herself and was constantly (and unhealthily) caught up on how she could be ‘better’. All this led to her learning ‘the hard way’ to put herself first and take care of herself.
My biggest takeaways from Angela:
∞ When it gets hard remember why you’re doing this and why you’re grateful to be able to do it.
∞ Look after yourself. If you’re not helping yourself, you can’t help others. You can help others without sacrificing your own health and wellbeing.
∞ Walk your talk and be authentic — but don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect all of the time.
∞ Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. There is no one out there who can do what you do.
∞ Find your own version of self-love. Ask yourself: What do you need to be the best version of you?
On the panel for the day was Naomi Arnold and Kate Caddle who shared their experiences and reflections on their first year as a coach. They shared so many insights, which I’m sure was so valuable to the coaches in-training and newly graduated coaches in the room, but even though I don’t fit into that category anymore I got so much out of what they shared during this Q&A.
Some of my biggest takeaways from Naomi were:
∞ To grow her coaching business Naomi coached herself and committed to taking steps towards that everyday. I think she is a really great example of what happens when you show up and take consistent action towards what you want.
∞ When Naomi launched her business she worked out how many coaching clients she would need to fill to be at capacity and filled the spots with pro-bono clients. So from day one she felt like she was a professional coach, and the experience she gained helped to build her confidence as a coach.
∞ Something Naomi wished she did in the beginning was to take more control of her schedule and make it work for her, instead of leaving it open to others.
∞ Plant as many seeds (or drop as many breadcrumbs) as you can, all around the place. Make a list of all the things you can do to help your ideal clients find you, then commit to taking action on them.
∞ Be consistent, be visible and show up! Let people get to know and trust you by offering value.
Some of my biggest takeaways from Kate were:
∞ Kate talked about the power of in-person events to grow your business. To do her first in-person workshop (about 3-4 months after she graduated) she had to coach herself through her fear of showing up in this way.
∞ Get clear on how your events fit into the big picture of your business. Kate was really clear that her events were an opportunity to connect with people in her community and bring them closer to her, rather being a money maker.
∞ Don’t expect an immediate return on the things you do. Kate has run 7 sold out events and she shared that overall half of the people who have attended her events have gone on to working with her 1:1 at sometime, but it didn’t all happen right away.
∞ Invest in yourself — and keep investing in yourself. Absorb the knowledge and then do the work, take the action. Start with ONE thing and implement it!
∞ Know your why. Not your business’ why — your why. Coach yourself to uncover your deeper why. Getting clarity on this helps you to navigate your business with much more clarity. Be connected to your why.
∞ Don’t be afraid of fear, it’s the best teacher ever!
Julie Parker closed out the day by delivering a powerful and heart-centered talk that left me feeling elated, empowered, that I was meant to be doing what I’m doing and like anything was possible.
The biggest thing I took from hearing Julie spark was this: Use what you’ve been given. To take absolutely everything that makes you who you are and honour that by actually using it for your purpose.
Julie also shared her favourite quote, which I think sums up what she shared so well:
– Erma Bombeck
I left the day feeling so inspired and so very grateful to get to be apart of such an incredible community. A huge thank you to Julie and the Beautiful You Team (pictured below) for such an amazing day.
If you’re interested in training to become a coach yourself with this amazing academy I’ve written a huge 3000+ words on my experience, including why I chose this course what I got out of my training (including the stuff I wasn’t expecting), what I’ve done since graduating and more! Plus I’m also sharing a special offer for future life coach trainees who are wanting to team up for their coaching journey (at no extra cost!).
You can read about my experience training with Beautiful You here.
Love & Gratitude,
PS. If you’re wanting even more insights into my experience I’ve created a FREE mini 5 day email series especially for you, where I’ll be revealing even more insights about my journey in becoming a coach.
In this mini email series I share how I became a coach, what I wish I had known before doing my training, what I would do differently during my training if I had my time again, the honest truth about what I got out of the course, and answers to questions I’m frequently asked about the course and my experience.
Plus you also get support and guidance to help you work out if this is the right life coach course for you, to ask me any questions you have about the Beautiful You course and my experience, plus the opportunity to sit down with me for a FREE 30 minute chat and Q&A about my experience if you’d like to.