One Infinite Life
April 18, 2018

15+ articles to help you add more gratitude into your life

This Gratitude Link Fest contains all my favourite gratitude articles, guest posts and interviews  — all in one place. From how I discovered the power of gratitude, to a breakdown of my gratitude history, tips for your own practices and more!

Enjoy! 🙂

How to add more gratitude into your life

This post is an updated version of my first ever gratitude post on this site. It includes 7 tips to help you to add more gratitude into your life (all of which I still stand by today!).

Read the full post here: How to add more gratitude into your life

My Gratitude History: A chronology of my 10+ years practicing gratitude

I’ve been practicing gratitude — with varying levels of devotion — for over a decade now, since I was thirteen years old. Gratitude has played a powerful role in my life over the past decade, so I decided to share a year-by-year breakdown into the role it’s played in my life and how it has led to me creating The 28 Day Gratitude Project.

Read the full post here: My Gratitude History: A chronology of my 10+ years practicing gratitude

That’s the power of gratitude

Even though my first gratitude practice began when I was thirteen, it wasn’t until six years later that I truly realised — and experienced — how powerful practicing gratitude could be. This is the story of how gratitude changed my life during a really challenging transition.

Read the full post here: That’s the power of gratitude

5 ways to make gratitude a regular habit in your life

Whenever I speak to people about what they struggle with when it comes to practicing gratitude, the most common answer is that they find it hard to actually remember to do it. So I wrote a post with 5 ways to help you remember to be grateful, so it can become a habit in your life.

Read the full post here: 5 ways to make gratitude a regular habit in your life

How to be grateful — even when something doesn’t go your way

I believe that gratitude can be really powerful to shift your state and to help you see things differently. It can help you to navigate the ups and downs of life and to help you move on when something doesn’t go your way. Here are 6 questions that I find useful to help me explore how I can find a way to be grateful — even when something doesn’t go the way I hoped it would.

Read the full post here: How to be grateful — even when something doesn’t go your way

It all started with a rock…My gratitude practice began with a rock (yep, really!) here's how...

This is the story of how my first gratitude practice started with a rock (yep, really!) and led to me to create The 28 Day Gratitude Project.

Read the full post here: It all started with a rock…

The Gratitude Diaries

The Gratitude Diaries: 20 editions of things I'm grateful for...

I created The Gratitude Diaries segment when I first started my blog as a way to share what I was grateful for. Since then there’s been 20 different editions of me sharing what I’m grateful for.

You can find all 20 editions here: The Gratitude Diaries

My favourite gratitude posts I’ve written for other sites:

 How you can use gratitude to help you achieve your goals on Don’t Tell Summer.


 How to add gratitude into your daily life on The Huffington Post.


 How to use gratitude to help you navigate the online world with ease in Raspberry Magazine.


 5 simple ways to practice gratitude on Casa De Karma.


 7 inspirational gratitude quotes to inspire your practice on Casa De Karma.


 9 tools & resources to inspire your gratitude practice on Casa De Karma.


My favourite podcast/audio interviews I’ve done on gratitude:


 Using gratitude in your business on the Rock Your Goals podcast.

 Discovering the power of gratitude on Follow Your Inner Light.

 The importance of practicing gratitude on The Inspired Table podcast. 


Want some support in adding more gratitude into your life?

15+ articles to help you add more gratitude into your lifeI’d love to invite you to join a very special live round of The 28 Day Gratitude Project — a  guided 28 day experiment to help you add more gratitude into your life in a simple, easy-to-implement and fun way! The live round includes daily emails for 28 days and a digital workbook to help you make gratitude a regular habit in your life. Plus there’s going to be a pop-up Facebook group *just* for this special live round (where I’ll be doing live calls in each week!). Entry into the project is $28 AUD and the live round will be starting on May 1st.

You can find out more and sign up here 🙂

I’d love to guide you through 28 days of gratitude experimenting!

Love & Gratitude,

One Infinite Life

PS. You can get FREE access to my daily gratitude worksheet and gratitude manifesto, plus a whole collection of free resources below 🙂



Want FREE access to The Infinite Collection?

Enter your details below to get access to The Infinite Collection — a FREE (and growing) library of resources to help you get the most out of your one infinite life. It’s chock full of things I’ve made for you, including: the Infinite eBook, an online class, lots of worksheets, workbooks, audios and more!

Plus you’ll receive personal emails from me a couple of times a month(ish) where I share personal insights, stories and behind-the-scenes happenings (that I don’t share anywhere else!). It’s my ultimate aim is that these emails are useful to you and can make your day a little brighter or better than it was before. Sound good to you? You can join the community and get access to The Infinite Collection by entering your details below!




15+ articles to help you add more gratitude into your life






