One Infinite Life
September 21, 2023

Today is a special day… It’s World Gratitude Day!

A day dedicated to being grateful, expressing appreciation, giving thanks and celebrating with gratitude!

As you may already know, I first started practising gratitude when I was thirteen years old and it has become one of the most powerful practices I have in my life.

However, gratitude isn’t just a practice for me or something I do, it’s the way I live my life.

Gratitude is one of my most important values in life (and business) and the way I approach everything is with gratitude.

To celebrate World Gratitude Day today I have a special (and free) gift for you, plus I’m also sharing 10 ways you can bring some gratitude into your life today (or any day!).

August 21, 2020

The number one question I get asked about gratitude is, “How can I be grateful when I’m going through a challenging time?”

People know that when they’re going through something challenging, that is when we need practices like gratitude the most. However, this can also be a really hard thing for us to do when we’re experiencing challenges. And I believe it’s not always the kindest thing for us to do during these times.

August 19, 2020

Something that I lean on (even more) during challenging times is my gratitude practice. It’s something that anchors me and keeps me connected to what’s really important.

I know a lot of people are going through a challenging time at the moment and I want to make it clear right away that I don’t believe that gratitude is “the answer” for this or that this practice is going to be supportive for everyone right now. 

However, I know for some people (like myself) this can be a supportive practice to focus on during challenging times. It’s something I’ve personally been leaning into even more during the challenges of this year and also while where I live (Victoria in Australia) is currently on stay at home restrictions. 

I know that people are looking for all kinds of different support right now, so I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how I can best support you at the moment.

April 23, 2019

I practiced gratitude every day for a year. This is how I did it...

Last year I set myself a challenge to write down what I was grateful for every day for a year. Yep, three hundred and sixty five days of gratitude!

Every time I mentioned this challenge people would ask me all kinds of questions from, “How are you actually doing that?” to “How are you remembering to do it?” to “Do you ever get sick of writing down the same things every day?”

Because of this I thought I would share with you some reflections on this gratitude challenge (including what I learnt) and a whole lot of tips if you’re wanting to commit to a daily gratitude practice.

So whether you’re wanting to embark on your own daily gratitude challenge, or whether you’re just looking for some tips to help you add more gratitude into your life, I hope you’ll find something here that is useful to you for your own gratitude practice.

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May 21, 2018

Going through a challenging time? Here's 4 things to remember when it comes to trying to be grateful...

I’ve been practicing gratitude — with varying degrees of commitment — for over 11 years now, since I was thirteen years old.

My first gratitude practice began with a “Gratitude Rock” given to me by my Dad, which was just an ordinary rock from the beach. I would carry this rock with me everyday in my pocket or bag and it would prompt me to think of something that I was grateful for.

However, it wasn’t until only several years ago when I was going through a challenging time in my life that I truly discovered how powerful practicing gratitude could be.

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April 18, 2018

15+ articles to help you add more gratitude into your life

This Gratitude Link Fest contains all my favourite gratitude articles, guest posts and interviews  — all in one place. From how I discovered the power of gratitude, to a breakdown of my gratitude history, tips for your own practices and more!

Enjoy! 🙂

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April 10, 2018

My gratitude practice began with a rock (yep, really!) here's how...

It all started with a rock…

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November 9, 2017

 Want behind-the-scenes insights into my gratitude practice? This is for you!

During July this year I committed to sharing behind-the-scenes insights into my gratitude practice every day for 28 days on Instagram Stories.

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September 13, 2017

Struggling to make gratitude a regular habit in your life? Here are 5 tips to help you...

You’ve heard of the life-changing benefits of practicing gratitude, so you’ve decided you’re going to make gratitude a regular practice in your life.

You go and get yourself the cutest Kikki.k gratitude journal you can find and a new pen to go with it (of course!) so you’re set up and ready to commit to practicing gratitude.

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April 25, 2017

I've been practicing gratitude — with varying levels of devotion — for over a decade now, since I was thirteen years old. It's now been more than 11 years since I was first introduced to this practice. And during that time I've experience how incredibly powerful this practice can be. Here's a lowdown on my gratitude history and a chronology of how gratitude has played a role in my life over the past decade

I’ve been practicing gratitude — with varying levels of devotion — for over a decade now, since I was thirteen years old.

It’s now been more than 11 years since I was first introduced to this practice. And during that time I’ve experience how incredibly powerful this practice can be.

Here’s how gratitude has played a role in my life over the past decade and why I’m so passionate about sharing my experience with this simple — but life-changing — practice.

Let’s go back to how it all began…

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