One Infinite Life
September 21, 2023

Today is a special day… It’s World Gratitude Day!

A day dedicated to being grateful, expressing appreciation, giving thanks and celebrating with gratitude!

As you may already know, I first started practising gratitude when I was thirteen years old and it has become one of the most powerful practices I have in my life.

However, gratitude isn’t just a practice for me or something I do, it’s the way I live my life.

Gratitude is one of my most important values in life (and business) and the way I approach everything is with gratitude.

To celebrate World Gratitude Day today I have a special (and free) gift for you, plus I’m also sharing 10 ways you can bring some gratitude into your life today (or any day!).

Here are 10 simple, easy and fun ways you might like to bring more gratitude into your life today (or any day!)

1. Reflect on what you’re grateful for at the moment and write it down, just for you!

2. Here is a daily gratitude worksheet you can download to help guide you in exploring what you’re grateful for today.

3. Share what you’re grateful for with some people in your life and invite them to do the same. You could ask them, “What are you most grateful for in your life right now?”, or “What has been the best part of your day/week/month/year?” You could do this in person or virtually, whatever works for you.

4. Play some music that makes you feel grateful or make your own gratitude playlist. Here’s a special playlist I’ve made for World Gratitude Day if you’d like to have a listen today!

5. Gratitude isn’t just an action, it’s a feeling! So today you might like to take a moment to be with the feeling of gratitude (I like to do this every morning as I drink my chai!).

6. You might like to share what you’re grateful for in a post on social media. If you do please tag me @oneinfinitelife as I would love to see your gratitudes today (or any day!).

7. Or if you don’t want to do your own post for this, you might like to share what you’re grateful for on my Instagram story for today. There is something powerful about publicly sharing what you’re grateful for.

8. Do a gratitude photo challenge! And as you go about your day today take photos of the things you are grateful for. You might turn these photos into a social media post to share with others, make a collage, put them in a gratitude folder or just keep them for yourself.

9. Here is the gratitude manifesto from the digital gratitude guide for The 28 Day Gratitude Project. You might like to make it your phone screensaver or print it out and put it somewhere to remind you to be grateful.

10. You might like to use today as an opportunity to thank someone in your life. You might send a thank you text message, voice note or email, write a review or testimonial for someone or you might even like to write someone a thank you note. Here’s an insight into how I do “thank you sessions” in my life.

If you really want to bring more gratitude into your life I have a free gift for you:

I am offering free entry to The 28 Day Gratitude Project for free as a special gift for you!

I created this project to be an experiment for you to show you how simple, easy-to-do and FUN practising gratitude can be!

The 28 Day Gratitude Project includes:

💫 Daily email content for 28 days in both written and audio format to guide you with the gratitude action for that day.⁠

💫 A digital gratitude guide. This includes all the content from the 28 day experiment (so you can work through it in your own time or refer back to it) + workbook section to help you to complete the exercises throughout the experiment.⁠

💫 Plus other fun things to support your gratitude practice! Including new insights into what my current gratitude practice looks like in my life.

You can go through the experiment and engage with it however you like, using whatever element of it works for you, a combination of them, or even dip in and out of it as you like, it’s really up to you.

You can find out more and sign up here.

Whatever you do today, I hope you get to experience (at least) one moment of gratitude today!

With Gratitude,

One Infinite Life

PS. Here is the link again to find out more about the project and sign up if you’d like to.