One Infinite Life
August 19, 2020

Something that I lean on (even more) during challenging times is my gratitude practice. It’s something that anchors me and keeps me connected to what’s really important.

I know a lot of people are going through a challenging time at the moment and I want to make it clear right away that I don’t believe that gratitude is “the answer” for this or that this practice is going to be supportive for everyone right now. 

However, I know for some people (like myself) this can be a supportive practice to focus on during challenging times. It’s something I’ve personally been leaning into even more during the challenges of this year and also while where I live (Victoria in Australia) is currently on stay at home restrictions. 

I know that people are looking for all kinds of different support right now, so I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how I can best support you at the moment.

This has led to me coming up with a fun and accessible way I can be of service to you right now…

I’m going to be running an incredibly special live community round of The 28 Day Gratitude Project kicking off September 1st!

My intention for the live round is to bring the content to life in a way that I’ve never done before and share with you more personal insights as I go along the experiment alongside you. I also want to facilitate a more interactive and community experience for you. 

Plus I’m also offering an incredible upgrade that I’ve also never done before for those wanting even more support with gratitude!



This special live community round of The 28 Day Gratitude Project includes:

Daily email content for 28 days. These short and simple notes will contain your daily gratitude action for the day in both written and audio format.

A digital gratitude guide & workbook. This workbook will help you to complete the exercises throughout the experiment and will continue to support you during and after the experiment. 

Access to a private Instagram account for the live community round of the project. This is where I’ll be showing up each day and doing the experiment alongside you, sharing personal insights and giving you extra support and guidance along the way! This is going to be a fun space I can share even more gratitude insights with you as we go through the experiment together. 


I’m also offering an extra special upgrade for this live round:

Monthly Gratitude Sessions. Starting when the project ends, I’ll be facilitating 3 x group gratitude sessions taking place on the first Tuesday of the month beginning in October. This will be a unique opportunity for us to gather, reflect and go even deeper into gratitude together. We will explore living from a place of appreciation and bringing gratitude into your life (even more), plus you will have opportunities to ask gratitude questions and get my support.

I am so excited to be hosting these gratitude sessions for those who are wanting to get even more support.

Want to know more information on the project and the monthly gratitude session? You can find out more and sign up here.

This live community round is going to be a really special, fun and interactive way I can be of service to you right now and if it calls you I hope that you will join us.

I would love to guide you through this 28 day experiment.

With Gratitude & Excitement,

One Infinite Life

PS. If you’re not sure if this project is going to be supportive to you right now, you might like to follow along with me on Instagram @oneinfinitelife where I’ll be sharing more about it before we begin 💜