One Infinite Life
August 8, 2023

Today I am excited to be sharing with you another Client Coaching Story with you and showcasing one of my amazing past clients: Laila Atmane.

I first met Laila when she reached out to me when she was wanting to become a coach with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy and was wanting my support for her coaching journey.

Laila is a Life and Agile Coach at Move with Agility. In her work she supports ambitious and adventurous humans who have realised there must be a more soulful and sustainable way of living and being. 

Laila is one of the most open and curious humans I’ve ever come across. She is incredibly devoted to her own personal growth and development, her coaching skills and doing meaningful work in the world. 

In this interview, Laila shares the journey that led to her becoming a coach, her experience training to become a coach and how she is using her coaching skills in her life now. She also shares what it was really like to work with me and get my support for her own coaching journey. And so much more!

You can learn more about Laila and her coaching story through the interview below. I know you will be inspired by the way she approaches life.

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September 8, 2021

Today I am excited to be sharing with you another Client Coaching Story with you and showcasing one of my amazing past clients: Bridget Johns.

I first met Bridget when she reached out to me when she was wanting to become a coach with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy and was wanting my support for her coaching journey.

Bridget is a declutter coach and life organiser at Be Simply Free. Her mission is to teach women to simplify their lives. She created her business to empower women to create lives where their homes and minds are uncluttered so they can be simply free.

The way Bridget lives her life is a true reflection of her philosophy, approach and work she does at Be Simply Free, she really walks her talk!

In this interview, Bridget shares what led to her deciding to become a coach, her experience training as a coach and how she is using her coaching skills in her life now. She also shares what it was really like to work with me and get my support for her own coaching journey. And so much more!

You can learn more about Bridget and her coaching story through the interview below and you can also watch (or listen to) a live conversation we had together on Instagram. I know you will get such great and practical takeaways from these interviews like I do every time I speak with Bridget. 

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July 16, 2021
Client Coaching Story: Karen Marie Johnston

All photos of Karen Marie Johnston in this post taken by Sophie Carefull

I have been wanting to shine a light on my incredible clients and the truly incredible work they do for a long time and this post is the first (of hopefully many) that will allow you to get to know them and their work.

I am excited to be kicking off these client stories today with a very special human: Karen Marie Johnston.

I am a proud affiliate for the Beautiful You Coaching Academy the life coach training I undertook and wholeheartedly recommend. A part of the work I do includes supporting life coach trainees with their coaching journey through my bonus offer.

This is how Karen came into my life in 2018 when she was wanting my support with her coaching journey and since then I have been so inspired by her and the work she does.

Karen is a proud social worker who has two decades of experience working and supporting people in this deeply important and needed way and brings all of this (plus her own life experiences) to her coaching work.

In this interview, Karen shares what led to her deciding to become a coach, her background in social work and her experience with bringing coaching into the work she does now. She shares her experience becoming a coach with the training school we both trained with (and love!). She shares what it was really like to work with me and get my support for her own coaching journey. And so much more!

You can learn more about Karen and her coaching story through the interview below and you can also watch (or listen to) a live conversation we had together on Instagram. I know you will be just as inspired by her and the work she does as I am!

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