One Infinite Life
October 27, 2021

I officially started my business after graduating from life coach training and a degree in psychological science.

I knew that to do the work I wanted to do in the way I wanted to do I needed to start my own coaching business.

Turns out I thrive working for myself and have been operating my online coaching business since 2015. 

I often get asked all kinds of questions about how I run my online coaching business and how I work for myself.

So today I thought I’d give you a peek behind the scenes in a way I’ve never done before and share with you 50 insights on how I run my online business.


1. I honestly never thought I’d be someone who had their own business, but after training as a coach I knew that this was the best way for me to do the work I wanted to do in the world and also to live the life I wanted to live.

2. The values that are the foundation of One Infinite Life are Integrity, Gratitude, Empowerment and Impact.

3. My mission (the super quick version) is to support my clients to get the most out of their one infinite lives, even after we’ve finished working together.

4. The main focus in my business is supporting my clients and creating exceptional experiences for them and that is what most of my time and energy is dedicated to in my work.

5. I trained to become a coach with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. I wholeheartedly recommend them as a life coach training provider. 

6. My absolute favourite part of my work is coaching and supporting my clients.

7. I’ve always had a “long game” approach to my coaching work as I intend to do this work and use my coaching skills for the rest of my life, in whatever way I can.

8. I came up with my weekly schedule by experimenting with what works best for me over many years now. I’ve had to let go of what I thought a workweek “looked like” and instead design my work life in a way that works best for me.

9. At the moment I work Sunday to Thursdays and take Friday and Saturdays as my days off. This doesn’t always happen but I adapt my work schedule based on what is going on in my life at the time.

10. I use Sundays to plan and prepare for the week ahead and I close out my week on a Thursday afternoon to create space to take time away from work.

11. I front-load my days and workweek so the most important things get done early in the day and early in the week, so then when things inevitably come up I’ve already honoured the most important work.

 12. When I first started my business I would sit at my laptop all day and work really long hours. I now focus on working effectively and efficiently in smaller blocks of time than working long hours. 

13. In my work sessions, I tend to work in containers with a clear focus and tasks to get done, use the self-control app to block social media/distractions and use the Pomodoro technique.

14. I use Google Calendar and use it to plan my week, my work sessions and I love the daily reminders function. I use Asana for project management, client timelines and managing work tasks and admin.

15. I delete Instagram off my phone every single day and only download it when I need to use it on my phone. 

16. I mostly work from home in my office which faces out to the garden. I keep my workspace really clear and clutter-free and I close out every workday by resetting my office and workspace for the next day.

17. When working I am pretty much always drinking tea, diffusing oils and listening to music. These are my absolute essentials for working!

18. I work from my Macbook Pro laptop and use a standup desk where I alternate between sitting and standing during my work sessions each day.

19. I clear my inbox every day and swear by Gmail for all the functions that make dealing with email easeful like snoozing emails to particular days/times when I can actually read them properly and action if required. 

20. I am currently the only person on my “team” and currently do everything in my business myself.

21. Wednesdays are my favourite day of the week and the day I put all my coaching sessions and calls on this day. I schedule my coaching sessions using Calendly, do sessions with my clients over Zoom and use Google Forms for client reflection questionnaires. 

22. I transition between work sessions/out of my workday by going for a walk, doing a yoga class, switching up where I’m working from, making a tea and drinking it mindfully or by cooking dinner and listening to music.

23. I mostly do all my work during the day and usually sign off in the afternoon. I rarely work evenings and like to keep these chilled and relaxed.

24. I have a degree in psychological science that underpins the foundations of my coaching approach and all my work. Plus my life coach training, my own personal development experiences (since I was 12) and my experience working with clients has also contributed to the foundations of my work.

25. I am internally certified with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy so I can continue to learn and grow as a coach and deepen my coaching skills, which is a life-long commitment of mine.

26. My coaching processes and approach have and continue to evolve over time and are guided by my experiences working with my clients.

27. I support my clients in-between sessions with email check-ins, reflection questions and audio/messaging support via Voxer.

28. I provide a high level of coaching support, care and energy for my clients. I only take on a limited amount of clients at a time so I can show up for them in a way that is full of value and integrity. It is important to me that I am able to intentionally prepare for our sessions together and to support clients in-between sessions the way I want to.

29. I am very clear in the process of us working together, so my clients always know what to expect even before they reach out to me. Something I am very proud of in my work (and something that clients always comment on) is that I always clearly share what to expect at every step along the way so they feel fully informed throughout the process.

30. I am so passionate about coaching and one of my commitments and contributions to the coaching industry is by mentoring new coaches. More on how I do this below!

31. The entire time I’ve been running my business I have done so while navigating (and continuing to navigate) chronic health conditions/issues. I am grateful to be able to work for myself especially because there are times I wouldn’t be able to work in another way.

32. I run my business with gratitude at the forefront of everything I do at One Infinite Life.

33. I start my work week with a Weekly Gratitude Practice for my clients and my entire community. It is a powerful way to start the workweek focusing on who I serve.

34. I start every workday by connecting with why I do what I do and by doing an act of gratitude for someone else, I love the way this sets the tone of the day being one of service, generosity and gratitude.

35. I bring gratitude into my client processes in the way I start and end a coaching series with my clients and by sending them thank you notes and gratitude gifts for choosing me as their coach and to celebrate their journeys. 

36. I schedule “Thank you Sessions” into my calendar regularly to create space to show appreciation to people who make my business possible and life better. 

37. I sent my first email newsletter to The Infinite Community at the end of 2014 and it still to do this day remains one of my favourite ways to connect with my community. I have a fun time putting these together. In them, I share personal reflections, coaching and personal development insights and I also include recommendations on what I’m watching, reading, listening to, basically anything I am loving.

38. At the moment I don’t just work in my own business but I am also the administrative assistant at Heart Sparks and am honoured to get to support Jo in the amazing work she does.

39. I have been a finalist in four coaching industry awards and was honoured to have won the CEO Shine Award in 2019.

40. I am my own #1 client and ever since I trained as a coach I have been coaching myself. I do self-coaching sessions with myself every week, month and even quick daily check-ins with myself.

41. I’ve always wanted to run a group coaching program and hope to do so one day in the near future!

42. I have been told countless times that my superpower as a coach is asking very powerful questions.

43. I don’t have business cards, a logo, a fancy website (seriously I got my theme from Etsy when I started my website for $77!).

44. I don’t use complicated or complex tools or software to run my business and instead focus on keeping things simple and easy to use. 

45. I use Send Owl for selling digital products, Mailchimp for my mailing list and Rounded for my accounting software.

46. My first ever digital product was The 28 Day Gratitude Project.

47. I am not the kind of coach who will tell you what to do, but I am the kind of coach who asks you powerful questions (some of which you may have never even thought of before) to help you uncover your own insight and wisdom and find what is right for you.

48. I am also the kind of coach who makes Harry Potter references in client sessions, sends my clients songs and share Ted Lasso GIFs. I love that my work allows me to bring all the things I love into it and I get to be myself in this way.

49. I quote movies, tv shows and fictional books more often in my work than self-help and personal development books.

50. I am currently working on a new creation that feels like the missing piece in my work. It’s something I’ve been wanting to create for years and the details on it came to me during a walk on the beach earlier this year.

I hope you have enjoyed this peek behind the scenes into how I run my online coaching business.

It’s always so interesting to discover how people work, so I would to hear some insights into how you work or operate your business so please do feel free to share away in the comments below.

With Gratitude,

One Infinite Life

PS. As I mentioned above I trained to become a coach with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy and graduated back in 2015 and now one of my contributions to the coaching industry is mentoring new coaches.

I do this by providing a special opportunity available for those wanting to enrol in the Beautiful You life coach training AND who are wanting some extra support from me (at no extra cost!).

If you decide to team up with me for your coaching journey you get:

💫  A 3-month coaching series with me

💫  Intimate Q+A mentoring calls

💫  Extra support and insights from me during your course

💫  My recommended resource guide for starting your coaching business

If you are interested in becoming a coach, here are a few links for you:

Here is my epic review and experience training with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy.

Also Beautiful You are running an incredibly valuable free training starting next week. All the details on that are here.

You can get the full details on my bonus offer here.

You can find out what working with me in this way is really like here.

If you have any questions about teaming up for your coaching journey please do get in touch 💜