One Infinite Life
July 22, 2015

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is an incredible movie about making the most out of life. It reminds us of what life really is about: Living. Possibilities. Connection. Adventure. Courage. This movie can teach us a lot about life

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is one of my all-time favourite movies. Ever.

It’s a really incredible movie about making the most out of life.

It has an inspiring storyline, beautiful cinematography and an incredible soundtrack.

I watch this movie whenever I want to feel inspired, and it always reminds me what life is really about…


Living. Possibilities. Connection. Adventure. Courage.


The story is about Walter Mitty, who spends more time living in his head, than in reality. When he is forced to take action he ends up embarking on an adventure, which ends up being more amazing than anything he could of possibly imagined.

It’s an inspiring movie that is both heartfelt and funny (“I was saying you know who looks good in a beard? Dumbledore. Not you.”)

For me it really ticks all the boxes that make for a great movie, plus I love that it can teach us a lot about life as well.




8 Lessons We Can Takeaway From

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


1. Life is for living, not dreaming.

Walter is notorious for living in his head. When he zones out he is brave, courageous, noteworthy, and lives a life of thrill-seeking adventure, but in reality his life is not noteworthy at all.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming, but I think it becomes a bit of an issue if you’re living an incredible life in your head and not fully living life in reality.

I love that Walter starts living the life he’s always dreamt of, which ends up being even more extraordinary than his imagination.

This movie reminds me to not get stuck dreaming and not taking action, to dream as well as act. It also reminds me to live fully and experience life.


2. To get outside your comfort zone

Walter’s life starts to transform when he starts getting outside his comfort zone.

His courageous and adventurous daydreams, actually become his reality. Getting outside his comfort zone helps him to experience life fully and also, to find himself.

This movie reminds me that in order to experience life fully, I can’t always stay inside my comfort zone, which leads me to…


3. Be courageous 

In order to get outside your comfort zone and to live the life of your dreams you need to be courageous.

It takes courage to take chances, try new things, to leap into unknown territory, and face your fears.

This movie reminds me to be courageous in my own life and to go into the unknown.



4. Explore the world around you.

Walter travels to Greenland, Iceland, and the Himalayas and every time I watch this movie it just makes me want to jump on a plane, travel and see the world (Iceland, anyone?)

But you really don’t have to travel to a different country to explore the world around you. You can start with what is already there.

This movie reminds me to open my eyes to the world around me. To explore more, to go on adventures and to really see the world around me.



5. Be present.



This exchange between Walter and Sean takes place when Sean is attempting to get a photograph of the elusive snow leopard in the Himalayas.

I particularly love this moment because I believe we can easily get so caught up in capturing a moment that we end up experiencing it through our camera (or iPhone) and don’t actually fully experience the actual moment itself.

Now don’t get me wrong  I love capturing moments — but this movie always reminds me to not get too caught up in capturing the moment and that I can just experience the moment as it is, if I want to.

It also reminds me to live in the moment more, to be present to experience things fully.


6. You already have everything you’re seeking.

If you’ve seen the movie, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

This movie reminds me to look inside to find the answers, rather than seeking them out externally.

It also reminds me that I already have everything I need.


7. It’s not too late to start being the person you want to be.

Throughout the movie Walter starts being more courageous and starts going into the unknown. By doing this he ends up finding himself, and living the life he’s always imagined.

His transformation throughout the movie reminds me that I can be who I want to be and I can choose how to live my life.

It also reminds me that travel helps you find yourself.


8. To live.

This one really needs no explanation.

Whenever I finish watching this movie I just feel so inspired to LIVE life.


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is an incredible movie about making the most out of life. It reminds us of what life really is about: Living. Possibilities. Connection. Adventure. Courage. This movie can teach us a lot about life


I mentioned at the beginning of this post that the movie has an incredible soundtrack, with really beautiful music, if you’re interested you can check it out here.

Now I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Have you seen The Secret Life of Walter Mitty? What did you takeaway from it?

Love & Gratitude,

One Infinite Life

PS. You might also like 5 Life-Changing Lessons From Wild by Cheryl Strayed.



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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is an incredible movie about making the most out of life. It reminds us of what life really is about: Living. Possibilities. Connection. Adventure. Courage. This movie can teach us a lot about life