One Infinite Life
October 22, 2021

How I became a life coach

Do you ever look back and reflect on what led to where you are now? 

Earlier this month as we entered October I realised that it was seven years ago that I began my training to become a coach.

This realisation made me look back over the past seven years and beyond to reflect on what has led to me here — right now — doing the work I do as a coach here at One Infinite Life.

I’d love to share an insight into how this journey began for me with you today as this hasn’t just been something that has happened over the past seven years.

To understand the journey that has led to me doing this work as a coach we need to go back even further to where it all began…

I discovered the world of personal development when I was 12 years old when I read one of my Dad’s self-help books.

This made me realise that you could intentionally make your life better and this is what initially sparked my interest in personal development, supporting others and positive psychology.

And I knew then that when I “grew up” I wanted to do something that helped people live a better life. 

This is where one of the very first seeds was planted for me to become a life coach, even if I didn’t know it at the time.

Back then I thought the only way to do this was to become a psychologist. So that’s what I decided I would do and continued to work towards this.

I spent the following years studying psychology at high school and in my spare time, you would find me reading countless personal development books, experimenting with gratitude and having D&Ms with people on MSN Messenger.

After high school, I took a 1.5 year gap year, questioned if I wanted to actually become a psychologist anymore, but decide to pursue my passion for psychology anyway and went off to study a degree in Psychological Science at university. 

It was during a lecture for a Positive Psychology class that I first discovered coaching and I knew immediately that this was the work I wanted to do. (This was also when I realised that I kinda sort of had been unintentionally coaching people since I was a teenager! Sorry friends! 🙊)

I left the lecture feeling inspired to make coaching my job, but I was quickly disheartened by the training and courses that were available and also by university staff telling me coaching wasn’t a “real” job (which honestly was a bit bizarre as we were literally learning how powerful it was as a modality in our classes!).

So I continued to focus on my psychology degree and one serendipitous day in 2014 I found myself on the Beautiful You Coaching Academy website when they had just launched and sold out their very first pilot round course and I knew that this was the life coach training for me.

It didn’t make sense in so many ways for me to enrol in six-month life coach training at the time, but I just knew I had to follow the feeling I had and take a leap of faith or should I say “leap into faith” (if you’re a fan of The Good Place you’ll get this! 😉).

I’m so glad I followed that feeling and embarked on the training and in 2015 I graduated from both my psychology degree and my life coach training with Beautiful You and from there I went on to open my coaching services and officially became a practising life coach!

Since then I’ve… 

Started my own coaching business. Honestly, I never thought I’d be someone who had their own business, but I knew that this was the best way for me to do the work I wanted to do in the world and also to live the life I wanted to live.

Became certified with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy so I can continue to learn and grow as a coach and deepen my coaching skills, which is a life-long commitment of mine.

Been a finalist in four coaching industry awards and was honoured to have won the CEO Shine Award in 2019.

But most importantly I’ve been able to do work that feels deeply meaningful for me and gotten to work with and support some really incredible humans. 

All while working in a way that has brought together my years of personal development experience, learnings from psychology degree and life coach training and also allows me to bring my full and true self to my work. 

(Plus not to mention working in this way has also supported me as I’ve navigated chronic health issues over the years that have impacted me to have traditional employment. But that’s another story…)

And now, all these years later my passion for coaching continues to deepen (even more than I thought was possible) and I see myself being a coach or using my coaching skills for the rest of my life, whatever that may look like!

I am so passionate about coaching and one of my commitments and contributions to the coaching industry is by mentoring new coaches. Which brings me to this…


Are you dreaming of possibly becoming a coach? If yes (or even a maybe!), here are a few things you might like to take a look at:

 The Beautiful You Coaching Academy is running a FREE and incredibly valuable 4 day Life Coach Challenge to support you in the key skills that you need to become an incredible coach, you can find out more and sign up here if you’re feeling called. Feel free to let me know if you do sign up for the challenge as I’d be happy to share with you some extra insights as you go through the challenge if you’d like!

  I absolutely love getting to team up with new coaches with their own coaching journey and I’m calling in some aligned humans to support next year in this special way. You can get my support for your coaching journey through my bonus offer I have available (at no extra cost to you) all the details on that are at the end of this email for you.

 Want to know more about my experience becoming a coach and training with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy? I have written an epic review of my experience training with them and why I personally recommend them.

If you’re dreaming of becoming a coach I would so love to hear from you, so please do feel free to get in touch and share with me the dream you have of becoming a coach. I’d love to witness what your dream is and hear what has led to you wanting to become a coach if you feel called to share.

Whether you’re interested in becoming a coach or not, I hope that you have enjoyed getting an insight into my journey of becoming a coach and what has led to me doing the work I do today.

If you are dreaming of becoming a coach in the future, I wish you all the best in making it happen and if you’re ever feeling called to get my support with your journey I’m here and ready when you are.

With Gratitude,

One Infinite Life

If you’re curious about what is available to you through my bonus offer if you team up with me for your coaching journey, here is the lowdown on what you get:

  A 3 month INFINITE COACHING SERIES with me. This includes: a pre-coaching questionnaire, 6 coaching sessions with me over 3 months via Zoom, plus email Voxer support between sessions.

∞  3 x intimate Q&A mentoring sessions via Zoom. Your questions about becoming a coach = answered by me!

  Monthly email check-ins from me throughout your course to share some personal and behind-the-scenes insights into my own journey becoming a coach and to further support you in getting the most out of your training.

  My recommended tools and resources for running your coaching business. A behind-the-scenes look at all the tools and resources I use, love and recommend to run my business, this is something you can refer back to again and again as you navigate your new coaching business. (This is something that is not available anywhere else!)

If you have any questions about my journey becoming a coach or how I can support you in your dreams of becoming a coach through my bonus offer please feel free to get in touch and ask away.