One Infinite Life
March 20, 2018

Here are 5 more books that have changed my life

This is Part 4 of my ‘Books that have changed my life series’ (you can catch up on previous parts here). In this series I share with you books that I have read that I truly think are life-changing and highly recommend.

In this edition I’m sharing some more life-changing reads, ranging from books about business, to habits, to surrender and courage.

I hope you enjoy these recommendations and find a new book to read 🙂



1. Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown

This is a timely and important book about courage, bravery and the unknown. It explores the idea of belonging to ourselves so we can stand alone, but also so we can be apart of something bigger than ourselves and deeply connect with others. It’s a short but potent read and I found it really thought-provoking and comforting. I also loved this interview about the book.

In three words: Strong + Courageous + Powerful


2. It’s All Good by Cassie Mendoza-Jones

I read this book while recovering from wisdom teeth surgery last year. It’s about trusting and surrendering to the bigger plan and being okay with uncertainty. It’s a great guide on moving forward from failures and disappointments with trust and shifting your perspective. I loved that it included practical questions and activities to explore. This is one I’ve already gone back to again (and again and find myself recommending it to people all the time.

In three words: Gentle + Powerful + Practical


You can read more of my takeaways from It’s All Good here.

3. Essentialism by Greg McKeown

I read this book while on holiday at Magnetic Island last year and it was such a good reminder to (re)commit to living my life intentionally, based on what’s important to me. The premise of an Essentialist is, “Living by design, not by default.” If you’re wanting to simplify your life and live more purposely and intentionally, this book is for you. It will help you reevaluate what’s important to you, so you can focus on what really matters and live your life by that.

In three words: Important + Simple + Intentional


4. Soulpreneurs by Yvette Luciano

I got a copy of this book while I was at the Soulpreneurs conference this year (which was amazing) and started reading it on the plane on the way home. If you’re wanting to start a business (or step up your current one) this is a must-read. Yvette has created a really epic guide (with a fresh approach) on how to create a soulful business aligned with your purpose, that is also successful. I love that it was full of questions and exercises, as well as heaps of actionable tips to help you do the work you want to do in the world.

In three words: Soulful + Insightful + Practical


5. Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin

This is a really interesting read about how to actually do the things you know will make you happier or make your life better. This book explores the idea of how we cultivate and change our habits, so we can live a better life. It will help you know and understand yourself better, so you can work out how to best approach cultivating habits in your life. I love that the book covered different kinds of tendencies, because when it comes to habits (or anything really) one approach does not work for all.

In three words:  Perceptive + Practical  + Interesting


Now I’d love to hear from you… What’s the best book you’ve read recently? Let me know in the comments below. I’m always looking for new books to read.

Happy Reading! 🙂

One Infinite Life

PS. You might also like: Books that changed my life: Part 3



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Here are 5 more books that have changed my life