One Infinite Life
December 27, 2016

2016 Love List: A collection of my favourite things from this year. From my favourite books and tv shows, to my favourite chai, here's everything I love this year >>> of my favourite things is discovering other people’s favourite things. From books to tv shows to anything that makes my life easier/better/funner — I love hearing what people are loving and what they are obsessed with.

So inspired by Alexandra Franzen’s love list, I’m going to share my very own 2016 love list, a collection of my absolute favourite things from this year.

I hope you find something new here that you enjoy, or that makes your life easier or better! 🙂



The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. This was my favourite book of 2016 and it has definitely had a huge impact on me this year. I love Shonda’s writing, humour and storytelling, plus I could totally relate to her story of realising she was feeling unfulfilled with her life. If  you want to be woken up, inspired to get out of your comfort zone and be reminded of the power of saying yes — read this book.

Die Empty by Todd Henry. One of my favourite books, ever. This book has had such a profound influence me and the way I choose to show up in the world. It reminds me to do what’s most important to me, to make everyday count and to do work that feels meaningful to me.

You Are Enough by Cassie Mendoza-Jones. In a world where we often get caught up in feeling like we always need to do more or be more — this book is a game-changer. It’s full of need-to-know wisdom about self-worth, overwhelm and perfectionism and written in such a genuine and heartfelt way. If you feel like you’re not good enough or no matter what you do it isn’t enough, this book is for you! (I’ve written more about the lessons from this book over here.)

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Marie Forleo said this book should be required reading for all humans – and I wholeheartedly agree. This was my favourite book I read last year and I’ve continued to re-visit it this year. This book revolutionised the way I approach my work, and how I dealt with fear and creativity. (I’ve also written more about what I learnt from this book here.)

Playing Bigby Tara Sophia Mohr. I read this while on holiday at Bruny Island this year and it made me come home so inspired to step up and make things happen. If you need some guidance in stepping up and owning your potential — and of course playing bigger 😉 this book is for you. Super practical and actionable as well.

I went on a bit of a Brene Brown reading fest this year with Rising Strong, Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection. Her work has always resonated with me, but this year I felt like it was having a bigger impact on me more than ever. Rising Strong has become one of my all-time favourite books and has guided me in leaning into discomfort, made me think differently about ‘failure’ and process shared in the book really has been invaluable at helping me navigate perceived setbacks.

My favourite fiction read of the year was Holding Up The Universe by Jennifer Niven. It’s an incredible story that has really stayed with me ever since I read it. It’s a story about being enough, self-acceptance and seeing people for who they really are. A powerful reminded that you are wanted and worthy and enough — no matter what.

I’ll Give you the Sun by Jandy Nelson and Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. I loved both of these stories so much. So many feels!

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. A powerful story about what it means to live — and die — on our own terms. I also enjoyed the sequel After You, which was a timely reminder about what it means to really live.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. “The Eighth Story. Nineteen Years Later.” Enough said. Read it. Loved it. Read it again! Now to see the play in real life…

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen. Not usually my go-to genre, but I really enjoyed this book. It’s like Game of Thrones, cross Snow White and the Huntsman, cross The Hunger Games. I found it really interesting and captivating.

I also enjoyed The Time Traveller’s Wife, The 5th WaveThe Lunar Chronicles series, Where She Went, and the final book in The Raven Cycle series.

Plus my kindle is one of my could-not-live-without possessions. I never though I’d like a Kindle but after having one for several years now I couldn’t imagine life — or reading — without one. It’s so simple and easy to use and I love being able to carry around my whole collection of books in one small lightweight device.

A few more reading favourites: This was my favourite blog this year. This and this are my favourite magazines. And this is my favourite online mag (and a must-read if your a coach!).



Game of Thrones. Easily one of my favourite tv series, ever. I love how I never know what to expect when sitting down to watch an episode. In one word: Epic.

Suits. I started watching this show because I thought my boyfriend would love it (he does) but I ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. A story rooted in loyalty, with really great characters and humour too. Really so much more than just a legal drama.

The Walking Dead. It took me so long to get on board with this show because I thought it would be too gruesome and not interesting enough, but I was so wrong. I started watching it with my family only last year and now am completely obsessed. Epic characters, storylines and did-that-just-happen kind of moments. (I also enjoy Fear The Walking Dead.)

How to Get Away with Murder. From the first scene in the first episode of the first season I was captivated. Super addictive watching, with twists, turns and cliffhangers that you don’t see coming. A great show to binge-watch.

The 100. I was intrigued by this concept of a post-apocalyptic drama series that was centred around young people. I really like the concept of the show, the characters are great to and it really gets better and better as the series goes on. This is the only show I watched “live” on tv each week this year.

Stranger ThingsI did not know if I was going to like this series at all, but I loved it. It’s creepy, weird and bizarre and also really well done and completely captivating.

Brooklyn 99. One of my favourite discoveries of this year was this show. I love the humour, the camaraderie, the characters. Makes for really easy, really enjoyable, fun watching.

My boyfriend is a huge Marvel fan, so together we watched Jessica Jones, Daredevil and Luke Cage, which I (surprisingly) really enjoyed.

The Fundamentals of Caring was my favourite movie of the year. I had no idea what to expect from this movie, but I found it really delightful. It’s heartwarming, honest, funny and touching. Plus it’s also a brilliant reminder about truly living — no matter your circumstances. I loved it and highly recommend.

I so enjoyed Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and I’m so excited about the rest of the series and the story that is going to be told.

And I thought Jason Bourne was awesome… Because Jason Bourne!



I’m obsessed with listening to podcasts. Some of my favourites this year have been: Dream For Others, The League of Extraordinary Introverts, The Mindful Kind, and Rock Your Goals.

For something completely different I loved listening Serial and became completely obsessed. Really interesting and thought-provoking listening.

This chakra cleanse meditation. I swear there’s something magic about this meditation. It changes the way I feel — and changes well, everything.

These meditones. I’m not usually a fan of meditation music, but I absolutely love these divine meditones by Tahlee — the best!

Spotify has really revolutionised the way I listen to music. I love curating playlists and I pretty much use this app every single day. You can find me and my playlists over here.



Mailchimp. I use this for sending emails to The Infinite Community, to guiding people through The 28 Day Gratitude Project.

For scheduling client sessions I use Calendly. For questionnaires and feedback forms I use Typeform. I love how simple both of these are to use for both me and my clients.

For graphics I use PicMonkey (this is awesome for resizing, cropping, adding text and collages) and I also use Canva for creating social media graphics, templates and resources in The Infinite Collection.

I use Evernote pretty much everyday. It’s awesome for storing ideas, brainstorming, blog post writing (this post started in Evernote!).

I’ve become a Google Drive lover this year. I use this for writing and organising content, eBooks, guest posts, etc. (I use this instead of Microsoft Word now!). I also use a Google Account for a pro domain email address (which I put off doing for ages but I’m so glad I did!).

The courses I love and recommend are: Bright-Eyed and Blog-Hearted by Rachel MacDonald and the Beautiful You Life Coaching Course by Julie Parker.



This incredible planner. I cannot wait for January 1st so I can start using this. A really beautiful creation by Emma Kate Co.

This chai. Hands down the best chai, ever. I buy the 1kg packs because I drink this everyday.

Creating my first ever product. Creating — and releasing — my first product year was such a highlight for me.

These positive thought starter cards. Happiness in a box? Yes please!

This intentional jewellery. I wear pieces by this brand every single day.

Doing my first ever speaking gig. So outside my comfort zone — but so worth it!

This is my favourite chocolate, ever.

This digital mandala colour book. I love being able to print these mandalas as I want to use them.

This perfume spray. Such a divine scent.

This intuition journal kit. I’ve never come across anything quite like this intentional and conscious choose-your-own-adventure journal.

This end of year workbook. Working through Susannah’s free Unravel Your Year Workbook has become an end-of-year ritual I really look forward to.


Now over to you! I’d love to hear about a few things you LOVED and were obsessed with this year. Share away in the comments 🙂

One Infinite Life

PS. If you liked this post I’m always sharing what I’m loving, my favourite new discoveries and what I’m obsessed with throughout the year with The Infinite Community. If you want in you can find out more & sign up below! 🙂

PPS. Full transparency is awesome (and really important to me) so a heads up that some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means that I will receive a small ‘thank you’ commission if you click through and purchase. Just so you know I only ever promote things that I truly love, have enjoyed and highly recommend 🙂



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2016 Love List: A collection of my favourite things from this year. From my favourite books and tv shows, to my favourite chai, here's everything I love this year >>>