One Infinite Life
July 21, 2016

Do you love a good life-changing read? Me too! Click through for 10 more books that have actually changed my life that I think you'll love too!

My 10th blog post (ever) was about 5 books that have changed my life, and even though it was nearly 2 years ago it has always remained in my most popular posts of and it’s one of my all-time favourites as well. So it’s safe to say that around here we love some book recommendations! And this is awesome for me, because I love talking — and sharing — books I’ve read and loved, which leads me to this post today…

I’ve got 10 more books that have changed my life, that I think you’ll love too. These are books that I turn to when I’m struggling with something or having a hard time. These are the books I’ve gone back to again and again, because they are that good. These are books that have in some way actually changed my life.





1. Rising Strong by Brene Brown

You know when you start reading a book when exactly when you need it? This is what happened to me this book. I had it sitting on my shelf for months and from the moment I picked it up I was captivated and literally hanging on every word. This book has guided me in leaning into discomfort, made me think differently about ‘failure’ and the Rising Strong Process has been invaluable at helping me navigate perceived setbacks. I continue to re-read and study this book, because it’s that good.

In three words: Rise + Powerful + Practical



2. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

This was without a doubt the best book I read last year — and is definitely one of my all-time favourite books (ever!). I know there was/is a lot of hype about this book, but it’s for good reason and it really is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a more creative life, do awesome things in their life, or show up in the world as their best self. This book has actually revolutionised the way I approach my work, dealing with fear and creativity. This is another one I continue to read again and again.

In three words: Dynamite + empowering + revolutionary





3. Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message by Tara Mohr

I decided to read this book because I’d heard such good things about this book from some amazing women — and I’m really glad I did because it’s amazing. This book will help you step up, own your potential, to play bigger (?) and to make a positive difference with what you do. It’s insightful, practical and an actionable read (I recommend having a notebook handy!) that will help you stop holding yourself back and start stepping up and owning it.

In three words: Empowering + Transformational + Practical




4. The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin

This is one of the best books I’ve read on the pursuit of happiness and enjoying life more. Taking the approach of “what if you could change your life without really changing your life?” Gretchen decided to embark on her own happiness project where for a year she dedicated herself to discovering how to be happier and how to enjoy her life more. Backed with compelling research as well as engaging and relatable anecdotes, reflections, lessons from Gretchen’s experience, this book is simply profound.

In three words: Thoughtful + Engaging + Inspiring




5. Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry

I bought this book because Alexandra Franzen said it changed her, so I knew it was going to be good — I just didn’t realise how good it would be. This book and it’s message has had a profound influence on me and the way I choose to show up in the world. This book has — and continues to — make me question everything, including the work I’m doing, how I’m spending my time, what’s actually important to me and it constantly reminds me to make every day count. If you don’t want to keep putting off your most important work for another time and you want to do your best work every day — you need to read this!

In three words: Profound + Life-altering + Powerful




6. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

I loved Susan Cain’s Ted Talk on the Ted Talk on the power of introverts power of introverts, so I knew I had to read this book. Even tough I studied introversion and personality types at university and thought I understood it pretty well, this book is that is gave me such a deeper understanding of what introversion really is. It also made me more aware of the positives and strengths of this personality type. This book is also really useful with actual advice and compelling with engaging and relatable stories. It’s also super well researched, but presented in an easy-to-digest and understand kind of way. If you are an introvert or want to understand introversion more, let this awesome book be your guide.

In three words: Passionate + Compelling + Well-researched




7. High: A Party Girl’s Guide To Peace by Tara Bliss

I don’t consider myself to be a ‘Party Girl’ but I loved and devoured this book in one day — it’s that awesome. I love how Tara takes the reader on a journey using her own compelling stories and reflections to help us navigate the identities and labels we attach ourselves to. This book is beautiful honest and raw — in a supportive and transformative kind of way. And have a notebook handy because it’s peppered with incredible how-to guidance and powerful questions. This book made me question who I am and who I want to be in this life.

In three words: Raw + Candid + Transformative




8. A New Earth: Awakening Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

If you’ve read this post, you’ll already know that I’m a huge Eckart Tolle fan and his teachings which have helped me to be more present and mindful in my every day life (totally life-changing!), and they even lead to me going to a 10 day meditation retreat. After I finished The Power of Now, my Grandad recommend I read this book, and I’m glad I did. This book is a powerful perception shifter, totally eye-opening and resulted in some life-altering self-inquiry and questioning about everything. Plus it’s also a game-changer in helping to understand, navigate and deal with your inner critic (aka ego).

In three words: Empowering + Vast + Eye-opening




9. Money: A Love Story by Kate Northrup

Have a not-so-awesome relationship with money? Or want to feel more abundant? Read this book, it’s awesome — and one of the best money books I’ve ever read. Even though this book is about money, it really is about so much more and ultimately it’s about creating and living the life you truly desire. Kate’s approach is fresh, her humour is great, plus there’s heaps of solid advice and practical money advice that I found really useful.

In three words: Empowering + Candid + Useful




10. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown

I know, another Brene Brown book, but I’ve truly been obsessed with her work this year and it’s made a profound impact on my life. I love how she deals with some ‘darker’ topics in a really empowering, insightful and useful way. I actually re-read this one recently and found that I got so much more out of it than when I initially read it. This book is a powerful tool you help you be true to yourself while being a vulnerable, imperfect and messy human. Plus it will also help you cultivate compassion and courage and ultimately realise that you are enough — no matter what.

In three words: Compassionate + Empowering + Wholehearted




Since I love taking about books and I’m always on the hunt for new reading material, I’d love to hear from you: Have you read any of these books? And of course — feel free to leave your book recommendations in the comments below.

One Infinite Life

PS. You might also like: Books that have changed my life: Part 3



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Do you love a good life-changing read? Me too! Click through for 10 more books that have actually changed my life that I think you'll love too!
