One Infinite Life
April 15, 2016

Are you an introvert? Want to be empowered by this unique energy? In this post 17 introverts share their insights on how they approach embracing their introverted nature

To finish up Introvert Week I asked 17 introverts to share their insights on this question:

How do you embrace your true nature as an introvert?

And this is what they had to say…

By asking myself what I really need in the moment, and honouring that. I think a lot of more introverted people have been shamed in their lives for being 'too quiet' or 'anti-social' or even rude for doing what feels right to us. I mean, I got let go from a job for being too quiet. That sets up some pretty strong beliefs that you need to go against what feels natural to you in order to please others or meet certain social standards. These days, I'm more open with people about what I need but, mostly, I pay attention to my needs, my energy, and my feelings and make decisions from a place of understanding and acceptance instead of people pleasing and fear — Katherine Mackenzie Smith

By asking myself what I really need in the moment, and honouring that. I think a lot of more introverted people have been shamed in their lives for being ‘too quiet’ or ‘anti-social’ or even rude for doing what feels right to us. I mean, I got let go from a job for being too quiet. That sets up some pretty strong beliefs that you need to go against what feels natural to you in order to please others or meet certain social standards. These days, I’m more open with people about what I need but, mostly, I pay attention to my needs, my energy, and my feelings and make decisions from a place of understanding and acceptance instead of people pleasing and fear — Katherine Mackenzie Smith


Learning to say “no” to events and activities to stay at home for a quiet night in to relax. I also prefer catching up with friends in small groups so I can have meaningful conversations! — Amanda Coneyworth


I used to be a HUGE attention seeker and I struggled to accept and like myself, so it took me a long time to acknowledge that I’m an introvert. I now own it and respect it by having plenty of alone time, and doing the things I love that recharge me like episodes of my favourite TV show, reading a book or magazine, having a bath, getting a massage where I don’t have to make conversation, having a lovely, relaxed one on one conversation with a dear friend, or allowing myself just to have a sleep in. Embracing my true nature, rather than fighting against it is a real gift which brings more ease and comfort into my life — Sarah Jensen


Realising that I am in fact introverted (after years of believing otherwise) was so pivotal for me! Embracing our true nature is the greatest act of self care and self love. I embrace my introverted personality by prioritising time alone to recharge, by feeling into my strong inner confidence and not judging myself for not being The Loudest & Most Outgoing Person In Social Settings. I choose my relationships and the energy I give the world very, very carefully. Resisting the core of who you are is a fast track to exhaustion and resentment, whereas accepting and loving your unique personality is sexy, cool, energising and something to be celebrated! — Claire Baker

Realising that I am in fact introverted (after years of believing otherwise) was so pivotal for me! Embracing our true nature is the greatest act of self care and self love. I embrace my introverted personality by prioritising time alone to recharge, by feeling into my strong inner confidence and not judging myself for not being The Loudest & Most Outgoing Person In Social Settings.

I choose my relationships and the energy I give the world very, very carefully. Resisting the core of who you are is a fast track to exhaustion and resentment, whereas accepting and loving your unique personality is sexy, cool, energising and something to be celebrated! — Claire Baker


Acceptance & permission to honor what my body needs to refuel & keep my energy up — Christine Barnes


I listen to my inner wisdom. If I don’t get a good vibe or something doesn’t feel right I don’t do it. If I feel overwhelmed being surrounded by people, then I honour that feeling and I leave or take time out — Kara


With pleasure! I'm a big believer in self-knowledge, intimately understanding our own disposition and then playing to our strengths. What activities light you up? What makes you feel alive? I asked myself these questions several years ago, and went about designing a life in which I can make a positive impact doing what I love. That involves a great deal of alone time, musing, feeling, meditating: filling up my cup, with delight — Ezzie Spencer

With pleasure! I’m a big believer in self-knowledge, intimately understanding our own disposition and then playing to our strengths. What activities light you up? What makes you feel alive? I asked myself these questions several years ago, and went about designing a life in which I can make a positive impact doing what I love. That involves a great deal of alone time, musing, feeling, meditating: filling up my cup, with delight — Ezzie Spencer


I embrace my introverted nature by planning lots of me time during the week to recharge my batteries so I know that I can show up at the best in my life. Accepting that I need some time to recharge and that I am not at by best multi-tasking was a great moment of awareness and completely changed the way I schedule my life now — Alessia Gandolfo


I give myself time and space by enjoying solitude when I can be alone to ponder my own feelings and thoughts. It is in these moments when I can tap into my inner knowing to bring creative ideas to life in support of others — Sharyn Holmes


I consciously give myself permission to embrace my introverted nature. If I’m at social gatherings, I will often tell people I’m introverted, rather than pretend to be someone I’m not. I give myself permission to be quiet and shy – if that’s who I am and want to be in the given context. I ask myself questions about what it is I need. Do I need to give myself a curfew? Do I need to prepare a script or exit strategy? Do I need to say no? Do I need quiet time or a break? In short, I’ve learnt to tune in to my authentic self and needs – and then practice honouring them — Naomi Arnold

I consciously give myself permission to embrace my introverted nature. If I’m at social gatherings, I will often tell people I’m introverted, rather than pretend to be someone I’m not. I give myself permission to be quiet and shy – if that’s who I am and want to be in the given context. I ask myself questions about what it is I need. Do I need to give myself a curfew? Do I need to prepare a script or exit strategy? Do I need to say no? Do I need quiet time or a break? In short, I’ve learnt to tune in to my authentic self and needs – and then practice honouring them — Naomi Arnold


Lots of time spent by myself, or without much talking — Chara


I allow myself to take time out, whether that’s reading a book, listening to music, or watching YouTube videos! I put on headphones, and shut myself away for a bit to recharge and restore. This not only fulfils my requirement for ‘alone time’, but also allows me to generate energy to spend time with other people — Michelle


The more mindful I become, the more I embrace my nature as an introvert. Before I started practising mindfulness, I usually squashed down, ignored and fought against the feelings and thoughts I experienced and tried to force a more extroverted nature. Taking the time every day to regularly check in with how I'm feeling, what I'm thinking and what I need to do to honour my introverted self, has helped me become more in tune with that side of me. I no longer feel ashamed or guilty for needing time to reflect, journal, think, meditate or schedule a day off after an event! — Rachael Kable

The more mindful I become, the more I embrace my nature as an introvert. Before I started practising mindfulness, I usually squashed down, ignored and fought against the feelings and thoughts I experienced and tried to force a more extroverted nature. Taking the time every day to regularly check in with how I’m feeling, what I’m thinking and what I need to do to honour my introverted self, has helped me become more in tune with that side of me. I no longer feel ashamed or guilty for needing time to reflect, journal, think, meditate or schedule a day off after an event! — Rachael Kablegreen-line.png

Being an introvert was easier before I had three young children. It’s easier to seek solitude and peaceful quiet when you don’t have three small humans dependent on you. Now, I use creativity to embrace my introverted nature. I use music, art and nature to help shape my days with my children and match our energy levels where I can. When the littlest sleeps, we read or rest too. Sometimes the only quiet time is late at night, so I must be mindful in ensuring I do things that help to reinvest my energy, rather than drain it more!  — Naomi Morrow


For me embracing my introvert nature means I allow myself without judgement to be introverted when I feel introverted, extroverted when I feel extroverted. I’ve taken the pressure of myself to always be “on”. I allow myself time out to myself when I feel I need it — Carla Da Costa


I embrace my introverted nature by understanding what I need at any given time, and trying to honor that as much as possible. Pushing too hard against my own inherent needs doesn’t do me any favours and leaves me feeling stressed and burnt out. I love having quiet time so I can recharge and I also need space. And by that I mean lots of physical space! So now, by understanding who I am and embracing what I need, it means my days feel much more exciting and energizing and I can still have lots of fun at events and in my work without feeling drained — Jade McKenzie

I embrace my introverted nature by understanding what I need at any given time, and trying to honor that as much as possible. Pushing too hard against my own inherent needs doesn’t do me any favours and leaves me feeling stressed and burnt out. I love having quiet time so I can recharge and I also need space. And by that I mean lots of physical space! So now, by understanding who I am and embracing what I need, it means my days feel much more exciting and energizing and I can still have lots of fun at events and in my work without feeling drained — Jade McKenzie


I’ve only recently started to honor this aspect of myself. I’ve been working in a corporate environment managing a sales team which is something the write ups of introverts say is an unlikely career! Instead of forcing myself to go against my natural tendencies, I try to honor that I’m an introvert and give myself some balance with social vs. quiet time. For example, during a conference, I may skip the group evening activity for some recharge time — Tiffany Walker


Other Introvert Week posts you might enjoy:

∞  So… I’m an introvert: In this post I’m sharing what being an introvert has been like for me, such as when I first discovered I was introverted and a dot-point history of how this has played out in my life.

∞  Finding your own way to shine: An interview with Katherine Mackenzie-Smith.

∞  5 things that have helped me to embrace being an introvert and not let it hold me back.

∞  What I’ve learnt from Shhh by Katherine Mackenzie-Smith, including a giveaway of this ultimate guide for introverts.



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Are you an introvert? Want to be empowered by this unique energy? In this post 17 introverts share their insights on how they approach embracing their introverted nature