One Infinite Life
November 9, 2017

 Want behind-the-scenes insights into my gratitude practice? This is for you!

During July this year I committed to sharing behind-the-scenes insights into my gratitude practice every day for 28 days on Instagram Stories.

Want behind-the-scenes insights into my gratitude practice? This is for you!I had been wanting to share more of my gratitude practice with you, including what it actually looks like on a daily basis. And I also wanted to show you that practicing gratitude can be simple, easy-to-do and even fun!

So everyday for 28 days I showed up on Instagram Stories to share behind-the-scenes insights into my gratitude practice. Some days I shared tips, or insights into my own practice, or what I was grateful for and I also answered the questions that were asked along the way.

Honestly, it was super outside my comfort zone to show up this way 🙈 and I was fighting a cold for most of the challenge, but despite these things it actually ended up being quite fun!

I’ve put together a collection of the most-loved days of the challenge and put them in a video for you 🙂 If you’re wanting some inspiration to add more gratitude into your life, this video is for you!

In this video I’m sharing:

∞  What my gratitude practice looks like most days.

∞  How I use gratitude to help me achieve my goals.

∞  My favourite ways to remember to be grateful

∞  The weekly gratitude ritual that helps me start the week of on a high.

∞  The thing I find the most challenging about practicing gratitude

∞  What to do if you feel like you don’t have time to practice gratitude

∞  And more!



A few things I mentioned in this video:

Kikki.k gratitude journals and notebooks

Jewellery from Violet Gray as a gratitude token.

Lemon Canary pocket crystals for a gratitude rock.


I hope that these insights can inspire you to add more gratitude into your life — in a way that’s simple, easy and fun!


I’m also planning on continuing to share behind-the-scenes insights into my gratitude practice from time to time, so if you’d like to follow along with my gratitude sharing you can find me here: @oneinfinitelife 🙂


If you’re wanting to add more gratitude into your own life, I’d love to invite you to join a special LIVE round of The 28 Day Gratitude Project.

If you're wanting to add more gratitude into your own life, I'd love to invite you to join The 28 Day Gratitude Project. This project will guide you through 28 days of gratitude so you can explore how you can add more gratitude into your life — in a way that works best for you!This project will guide you through 28 days of gratitude so you can explore how you can add more gratitude into your life — in a way that works best for you!

When you sign up you get: Daily emails for 28 days to guide you through the 28 day gratitude experiment AND an epic 61 page digital gratitude guide to support you in working through the project (it includes a printable workbook section to complete the project in) and a whole lot of extra examples, tips and insights to support you during the 28 days and long after you’ve finished. Plus there’s going to be a pop-up Facebook group *just* for this special live round (where I’ll be doing live calls in each week!).

Plus you also get on-going gratitude guidance and support through gratitude emails from me every so often and invitations to connect with me live throughout the year.


Interested in joining The 28 Day Gratitude Project?
Find out more and sign up here.

I’d love to guide you through 28 days of gratitude experimenting.

Love & Gratitude,

One Infinite Life

PS. Want access to a daily gratitude worksheet to help you explore what your grateful for? Enter your details below to get access to the worksheet AND a whole lot more resources!



Want FREE access to The Infinite Collection?

Enter your details below to get access to The Infinite Collection — a FREE (and growing) library of resources to help you get the most out of your one infinite life. There’s currently an epic eBook, worksheets, workbooks, audios and more!

Plus you’ll also receive super exclusive content from me each week, including personal stories and insights, behind-the-scenes peeks (that I don’t share anywhere else!) and lots more.


To get access to The Infinite Collection enter your details here incredible human