You know what you want.
Your vision for your goal — and for the future — is rock solid.
You can see it. You can feel it. You know exactly what you’re aiming for.
You’re excited about making it happen. So you start taking action and working towards what you want.
But then…
It gets hard. You start feeling unmotivated. And now, when you think about where you are right now and where you want to be it feels so far away.
When you think about closing that gap you feel…
Which brings us to these questions:
How can I feel good about where I am right now — even though I’m far away from where I want to be?
How can I close the gap between where I am right now and where I want to be?
How can I keep taking action even though my dreams feel so far away?
These are things that come up for my clients all the time and I know it’s something that I continually deal with as well.
It can be really hard to keep going when you feel so far away from your dreams. It can be hard to keep showing up, to keep taking action and to feel okay right now when what your aiming for feels so very far away.
Because of that, here are 7 ways to help you be okay with where you are now (even if you far away from where you want to be) — while still working towards what you want.
Dreams don’t often happen overnight. And most of the time they require a whole lot of consistent action over time.
Getting to where you want to go isn’t just a result, it’s a process. And if you’re far away from the result — this could be quite a long (and on-going) process.
I like to think as this process as planting seeds, which is something I help my boyfriend do in his vegetable garden.
When we’re sowing the seeds we don’t just expect that they’re going to be fully grown and giving us an abundance of produce the next day, the next week, or even the next month.
We accept that it’s going to take time for the seed to grow.
We know that we need to continually nurture the seed as it continues to grow.
So when it comes to the end result — whether it comes to growing tomato plants or your dreams — remember that it will take time. And that time is going to pass anyway, regardless of whether you keep taking action or not.
It’s important to find a way to enjoy the process of getting to where you want to go — and not just be solely focused on getting to the end result
Why wait until you’ve achieved your goal / made [your awesome dream] happen / gotten to where you want to go to enjoy your life, when you can choose to enjoy the getting there as well.
∞ Make sure to still live your life and to make time for doing things you love.
∞ Take the time to celebrate your progress along the way, more on this in point #7.
∞ Here’s an awesome article with brilliant advice from Sarah on how to chase your dreams without hating your life.
∞ And if you need to make sacrifices in order to get where you want to go, read this awesome article by Tara on how to make sure they feel like abundant ones.
Gratitude really is my not-so-secret tool for well, for pretty everything 😉
When I feel discouraged about what I want because it just feels so far away, I use gratitude to bring me back to appreciating where I am right now — no matter where that is.
To put a new spin on one of my favourite gratitude quotes by Melody Beattie:
Gratitude turns where we are into enough — and more
For example, this might look like cultivating gratitude for…
∞ The job you’re currently working that you don’t necessarily love by appreciating that it gives you the resources to pursue your dreams on the side.
∞ The university course you just dropped out because it wasn’t what you wanted, by appreciating that you had the courage to walk away from something that wasn’t right for you and that you’re now one step closer to finding something you do enjoy.
∞ The small amount of clients you do have (even though you’d love to be fully booked) in whatever industry you’re in, by appreciating that you already have people willing to work with you and that you have the opportunity to hone your skills.
This approach is a powerful way to feel good about — and actually appreciate — where you are right now, wherever that may be.
If you want some guidance on how you can use gratitude to help you feel okay with where you are now, as well as help you work towards your dreams, you might like to check out:
Don’t wait until you have your dream job, or are living in your dream house, or have finally gone on that overseas trip you’ve been dreaming of forever, to start showing up as your best.
One of the best ways to feel good about where you are now (and also to help close the gap between where you are and where you want to be) is by showing up right now as best as you possibly can.
As Marie Forleo says:
“Showing up fully exactly where you are is the fastest way to get where you want to go”
So to put this into action, ask yourself how can you show up fully in your current situation? A few questions to help you work this out:
∞ If this is what I really wanted how would I show up?
∞ How can I make this fun and enjoyable?
∞ How would my best self show up in this situation?
∞ How can I be genuinely enthusiastic about my current situation?
∞ How can I give this my best effort and make the most of my current situation?
By that I mean acting — and doing — as if you already were exactly where you wanted to go.
As Tara Bliss says:
“You call into your life more of what you already ARE”
In other words: You don’t call into your life more of what you want — you call in more what you already are. Of what you already do.
You need to be what you want in order to get where you want to go.
You might do this by:
∞ Intentionally doing things in your daily or weekly life that you would do if you already were where you wanted to go. You might write out an ideal day statement and work out how you can start bringing more of that into your daily life. Claire has an awesome guide for doing this right here.
∞ Asking yourself: How would I move through my day if I already was where I wanted to be? How would I react to this situation? How would I choose to spend my free time? How would I start my day. Let your future projections be your guide.
∞ Write yourself a letter as if you already are where you want to go. See how Tara has put this into action here.
∞ Get clear on how you would feel if you had achieved what you wanted (ala Danielle Laporte). Write these feelings down. Brainstorm things you can do to feel that way in your life right now. Do those things.
Once you’ve uncovered more about what being “there” would be like, start acting / doing / showing up in a way that you would if you were already there. This isn’t about pretending you’re there, instead think of it as aligning yourself (through your behaviour) to where you want to be.
In other words: Be as if you already were there.
The “why” behind what you want is a super powerful way to keep you going, especially when it gets hard.
So it can be really powerful to uncover the reasons behind what you’re working towards and why this is important to you and remind yourself of this often.
I know for me, I’m currently working towards a goal that is really challenging me and taking a lot of time and effort, when I have a setback or feel like giving up, I find that that coming back to my “why” to be a powerful way to help me look at the bigger picture — and to keep going.
Questions to ask yourself to help uncover your why:
∞ Why is this so important to me?
∞ How will I feel when I get there / achieve that goal / make [that dream] happen?
∞ What will “getting there” allow me to do?
∞ How does this goal fit into the big picture of my life?
Surround yourself with reminders of WHY you are working towards what you want. You might like to:
∞ Write down your why every day.
∞ Set up reminders on your phone.
∞ Put it on your vision board.
∞ Write it on a sticky note and hang it above your desk.
Continuing to anchor into your “why” can be really helpful at keeping you going — even if your dreams feel far away.
I believe that the secret to achieving your goals is by taking action — again and again.
Being far away from where you want to go can feel unmotivating, however, if you can find a way to keep taking small steps towards your dreams often, you will eventually get closer and closer.
You can do this by breaking your goal down into easy-to-implement actions and commit to taking it one at a time.
Ask yourself:
∞ What can I do today / this week / this month to move myself forward and bring me closer to where I want to go?
Remember: You don’t have to do everything right at once, take it one step at a time and keep taking those small steps. As Alexandra says: Start with one room.
Something I believe we don’t do enough of (myself included) is celebrating ourselves. Taking the time to celebrate your progress as you move towards what you want is so important.
You can do this by:
∞ Cultivating gratitude for each step you take towards your dream.
∞ Making a big deal of the milestones you hit along the way by doing something to celebrate and acknowledge what you’ve done.
∞ Making a list of all the things you want to reward yourself with as you make progress towards what you want. Then, actually seeing it through when you make it happen.
Working towards what you want can be really challenging and especially if it’s something big that is going to take time, it can get really hard. Here are a few things you might find useful if you find yourself in one of those moments where you want to give up:
∞ What to do when you’re feeling unmotivated with a goal. Read this if… You’ve lost momentum with working towards what you want and want to get back on track.
∞ What if you didn’t give up. Read this if… You’re struggling to keep going and you need to be reminded of where you can get to in the future if you don’t give up now.
∞ Questions to ask yourself before committing to goal. Read this if… You’re unmotivated and not sure why you even want to work towards this goal anymore. Or if you want to re-commit to working towards a goal.
∞ What’s really important? Read this if… You need to be reminded of what’s really important to you.
I’ve created some FREE worksheets for you based on the points in this post so you can put them into action in your own life. And you’ll also get access to a whole lot more free resources in The Infinite Collection.
You’ll also receive super exclusive weekly(ish) content from me to help you overcome what’s holding you back, to support you in moving towards what you want and ultimately to help you get the absolute most out of your life.
Because without action — nothing can change — what is ONE action you can take this week, today (even right now) that will help you close that gap between where you are right now and where you want to be? Share away in the comments below.
Here’s to closing the gap and being okay with where we are right now.
PS. Need some support in feeling good about where you are right now while you work towards where you want to be? This is something we’re going to be focusing on in my mini group coaching program (coming in 2018) and if you’d like to you can join the interest list here 🙂