One Infinite Life



Before coaching with Chloe, I was at a point in my life that I needed to make a drastic change. I was struggling with finding myself. I had spent so much time trying to make others happy that I had lost sight of what it was that made me happy.

Going into our first session together I was nervous and excited, and by the end of our first session I could feel Chloe’s passion. She was genuine, supportive and full of energy and I knew that through my journey she would be there for me 100%.

Chloe was there to support me and guide me on my journey of self discovery. Now I am owning who I am and I’m more concerned about making myself happy rather than making others happy. My friends have noticed that I am now happier and more confident in myself — that I am a new me.

I would describe my coaching experience with Chloe as empowering, energising and supported. With her passion, energy and sincerity, I know that Chloe will continue to be a great mentor and leader with so many others. Thank you Chloe!” — Lindsey Sinclair



“I had never worked with a coach before and honestly didn’t know what it would involve, so I didn’t have any expectations just wanted to go along with the journey and see what it was all about.

By the end of our first session I felt determined and inspired by the goals we had set. After every session with Chloe I would have a smile on my face and feel very positive about all aspects of my life.

I was so happy that I decided to be coached by Chloe. The biggest change I’ve noticed in my life is that I continue to stay positive no matter what life throws at me and it has helped me get through some tough situations. I would describe my coaching experience as interesting, exciting and inspiring. From now on I will be referring back to this experience and continuing to set goals to help me live the life I want!” — Laura Marquis



“When I first connected with Chloe I was in a negative workplace and I felt very drained emotionally. I was struggling to make time for self-care and I wanted to launch my own business and become a coach.

I had never worked with a coach before, so I had no idea what it would do for me, but I needed some support to get me back on track and for someone to hold me accountable to working towards what I wanted, so I was excited to have someone to guide me and to cheer me on.

Coaching with Chloe has helped me to let go of who I thought I ‘should’ be and to reconnect with and embrace who I really am. I now attend yoga and meditation, I have a part-time job which I love (I go home smiling!), I have launched my business and discovered my niche as an authenticity coach. I now dedicate more time for personal development and taking care of myself. Reconnecting with myself has empowered me so much and now I want to give that to others.

I’ve had so many people say to me “Wow! You just look so happy” because I am and I’m in such a great space now. I now realise that it’s so important to accept yourself as you are and to do the best you can in that moment. I feel like my coaching experience was like a massive overhaul of my life.

I now have more self-belief and trust in myself, and I am so grateful for Chloe’s support and her magic ability to hold space beautifully. I cannot believe that in only 3 months you can change so much in your life when you have the divine support of a coach. I would describe my coaching experience with Chloe as empowering, uplifting and supported – it truly was a life-changing experience.” — Janelle Crawford



When I first connected with Chloe I was struggling with starting my blog and actually starting it, as well as creating a vision for it’s future. Going into our first session I was very nervous, but by the end of it I knew it was going to be a great experience! I felt motivated to start doing things to get on track with launching my blog.​

​The biggest change I experienced through working with Chloe is for starters, I actually have a blog now! I’m more confident than I was before and I have a handle on the more technical aspects. Overall, I found the confidence to put myself out there which was the number one thing I needed to get the ball rolling.

By working with Chloe I become motivated to start moving towards my goal and I have now launched my blog and I have the confidence to put myself out there​. Our time together was collaborative, supportive and inspiring​ and ​I couldn’t have launched my blog without you Chloe! Thank you so much for believing in me and helping me to find the confidence to get out there and blog my heart out!​” — Sara Asher



“When I first connected with Chloe I was so afraid of what people would think of me and this was holding me back from putting my blog posts out there. I decided to work with Chloe because it FELT right, I was drawn to her work and deep inside I knew how beneficial this journey with her would be.

Going into our first session I felt nervous, excited, scared and hopefully, but by the end of our first session I still felt nervous, but my fear was gone and I knew that everything would turn out alright — and it really turned out to be more amazing than I could of possibly imagined.

Chloe empowered, supports and uplifted me and because of this I kept going and kept putting myself out there. The biggest changed I’ve witnessed in myself is that I’ve become so much calmer and confident. I would describe my coaching experience as empowering, deep-connected and safe. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Chloe!” — Teresa Valentina Borik


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